Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weird Week

So I had a really weird week this week. I started a new job, and it's really intense training. I've literally been studying at night like crazy, and then waking up early to get there early to study. I want to be really prepared. With that said, my breakfast is not happening as much as it should. What I mean by that is... I usually consume 500 calories for breakfast. I've been getting around 250-300. Not enough! I also haven't really been working out. My food, other than breakfast, has been pretty decent. I always make good decisions wherever I go. My wife and I have been cooking at home a lot which helps control the calories/fat. I need to get back on track if I'm going to hit my goals. This week, I'm going to be strong and really take care of business!

Good news is... I've lost 10lbs so far. People have been commenting at my looking "skinnier." I'm starting to feel a lot more energy during the day. All in all, I'm happy with my progress so far, but it could be a lot better. I'm excited for my end result, and will do anything to get it. Boo Yah!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ok... I've been so sick lately, I haven't been able to do anything! I can't eat, I can't workout, and I can't wait to get over it. I probably have lost weight though... but what a horrible way to do so. My energy is so low all I can really do is sit on the couch and watch Food Network or HGTV. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and start to get on track again. I was thinking though... It probably would have been smart to be drinking protein shakes. At least I would have been getting some nutrients and those are a lot easier going down than food. I think I'll try that today and see how my energy feels.

I called off of work yesterday, but I'm going to try and go for a little bit today. I got a new job and I start on Monday, so this is my last day there. I have to say goodbye to all my team mates. Starting a new job will definately throw a wrench into my routine. I'm used to working out around 1:00am and waking up at 10:00ish. I used to go into work at 2:30pm and get home between 11:30 & 12:00. Now it's 9:00am-6:00pm. Like a real person job. I haven't ever had one of those. The consistency will be nice and I'll really be able to plan my meals and workouts around work. The best part of it all, they have a gym at work! So I can get there early, beat traffic, workout, then shower and get to work. That's exciting. 2 weeks of training, then on to the real thing.

Well... that's it for now. Hopefully I'll get better soon. Have a great weekend!